Our FIRST ever Digital Dentistry Symposium- A Reflection.

Posted on: June 13th, 2014 by Cornerstone

On Wednesday, June 11th, 2014, in the evening, we hosted, along with CadBlu and guest speaker Dr. David Burt, a digital dentistry symposium.  It was our first ever seminar by Cornerstone, which was followed today by our first ever webinar, but that will be a later blog. 😉  So…nerves were on edge about who was coming, how it would go, and if it would be successful… It was.  It was an incredible evening.  We had a great group of dentists who were inquisitive and engaged…And I think we owe a huge amount of gratitude to our  spirited and passionate speaker… Dr. Burt was so easy to listen to, and it wasn’t a seminar that would make you count the hours until it was over and collect the CE credits…It actually flew by, and we went over the time we had anticipated because it was such an easy flow. I could go on and on about the topics he spoke about, but then you wouldn’t come to our next one. 

Dr. Burt took us through using a 3shape TRIOS digital scanner in his dental practice.  He spoke about the benefits from the clinical aspect, and then Jay took over and spoke about how the lab integrates the digital technology into the work flow.  Dr. Burt also was our first trial dentist with our digital dentures through DENTCA.  He went over two specific cases that were actually finished and placed that morning of the seminar, and he was pleased with the final denture and shared the experience with his peers. It was nice to hear someone who isn’t afraid to try new things have such a great experience. Sometimes with all the new technology, dentists are sometimes afraid to change…”If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” theory… Well, sometimes change is good, I know I have heard that before. Dr. Burt believes that dentistry is about change, and function and technology. He said “At first, it’s the cold sweats, why try something new, because you should, that’s the way dentistry should be done.”  If we don’t try new things, there will never be a time where things get better, could you imagine us all with wooden teeth? Or ivory teeth?  BLEH!  Check out my smile, DON’T kiss me, you may get a splinter!  Gone are the days of old, and here come the new, and dentists should embrace the technology.”Give yourself the leeway to learn” Dr. Burt said to the dentists in the room, to his peers. It isn’t going to hurt to try anything, because you can always go back to the traditional way you were taught, you don’t lose. Dr. Burt is such an amazing dentist, and is willing to try anything once, and if he sees the potential, the time saving equipment, the MONEY saving equipment, he will try it again and again, and tell you about it in a way that makes you think, because when Dr. Burt loves something, or finds something that works, he isn’t selfish – he wants to tell you about it, and share it with you, and help you and your practice too! It was so nice to listen and watch him speak. It was engaging and let people feel more comfortable, or maybe that was the cocktails… 

We just want to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to our speaker, Dr. David Burt, our sponsors CadBlu, DENTCA, VaTech and Tri-state Dental, and most importantly our attendees who gave us faith that this will now be an ongoing project for us to share in the months to come!
